iLEAD Realestate Learning Resource

Valuation Methods

Featured Courses

Property Valuation Method

4 star

n this first property valuation method, we learn to estimate the fair market

New Property Valuation Method (2)

4 star

How to value a property using land and building method in Hindi

Easiest Property Valuation Method


In this third Property Valuation Method, we value a Real Estate using rental yield method.

Valuation l Building Valuation l


Valuation is a method for estimating the current value or price of the property

Forms of Investment and Valuation Methods


Real Estate - Forms of Investment and Valuation Methods

Real Estate Valuation Methods


Methods to use for valuating properties!

How to Value a Property

4 star

Three Valuation Methods described in the video

Real Estate Valuation Methods

4 star

How do you determine the value of Real Estate

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